Thursday, June 19, 2008

The New Curriculum Arithmetics, Grade Three

You can tell this is an old book just by the title: back in the day, they called it arithmetics, not arithmetic (and definitely not math!)

This book was printed in 1939, and the cover in particular is showing its age. But the inside is in good shape, and I just love the illustrations, which are very reminiscent of the 1920s (the book was written in 1928.

The book covers addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, measurements, fractions and time, but it's different in that it's written in a conversational tone. There are also several activities that are not strictly mathematical, ex. page 88, "Special Reports About the Post Office."

There is one page with a few answers written in ink, and someone decorated the back inside cover with penciled scrawling. But considering its age, this book is in pretty fair shape.

This book is hardcover, and has 278 pages. Sorry....this one's sold.

1 comment:

POA Staff said...

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