Wouldn't you know, the week the teacher began explaining geometric proofs in my high school geometry class, I came down with mononucleosis! (No, I wasn't one of
those kind of girls...just unlucky.) For the next three weeks, my friend Clarice brought me our geometry homework assignments so I could work on them from my sickbed. They might have been written in Chinese for all that I could make sense of them.
Once I was well, I had to make after-school visits to the geometry classroom, where the teacher walked me through the entire proof process. It took several visits, as I recall, but it finally made enough sense that I didn't flunk the class.
Fast-forward to today. I think geometry proofs are way cool, and my kids think I'm nuts. But having taught geometry to three kids over the past ten years, I've had some practice with it and like it better than ever!
I taught geometry to my two older kids at the same time, which explains why I have two copies of the same text. (It doesn't explain the third copy, though! I'll be posting those spare texts over the next two days.)
Anyway, today I'm posting my only full set of
A Beka Plane Geometry. It includes the text (1996), the solution key (1997) and the test/quiz book and key (1999). Don't worry about the different print dates; they all go together. And of course, geometry is one of those subjects that doesn't change, so the age of the text doesn't matter anyway.
The text does
not have answers in it; you'll find those in the solution key, which also contains full illustrations and explanations of the proofs (it's a big book!). The test/quiz key includes all tests with the answers on them, so if you do use the tests, you'll need to photocopy them with post-its strategically placed over the answer blanks. (Note: there is a bit of writing on a few pages in the test/quiz key.)
All three books in this set are softcover. The text has 426 pages, the text solution key looks to have 4-500 pages (it's numbered by section) and the test/quiz key looks like it has 100-125 pages. The first two are in very good condition; the third is in good condition.
Sorry....this set is sold.