Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our Reeds Grow Free: Homeschooling Adventure by Karl Reed

These days, it's not hard to find books written by homeschooling parents describing how they homeschooled their children to adulthood (I even wrote one!)

But back when I began homeschooling, in the 1980s and early 1990s, such information was hard to come by and treasured when I could find it.

That's why this book was encouraging for me, and a great find. The Reed family began homeschooling their nine children in 1973, so this is a story of homeschooling pioneers. This updated version (1991) mentions their 26 grandchildren. I imagine by now they have quite a few more!

This book is softcover, 155 pages, in great shape except for a little price sticker remaining on the cover, and printed in 1991. Sorry....this one's sold.

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